Welcome to Akụkọ Biafra! This is our beta testing version. Please send any comments or suggestions to lotanna@akukobiafra.com. Your input is invaluable!

Share Your Story

This form is for sharing your oral stories about the war. We welcome both first and second-hand stories. We will reach out to you for more details, but this is just a contact form to get started. Thank you for your willingness to share!

Oral Histories

Akụkọ Biafra's Oral Histories catalogue offers public access to a rich collection of personal accounts of the 1966 Anti-Igbo Pogroms and the subsequent Nigeria-Biafra Civil War from survivors, family members, and others impacted by the conflict. These stories, captured through dedicated interviews, provide invaluable insights into the lives, struggles, and resilience of these people. This catalogue serves as a crucial resource for understanding the human impact of the war.

We continue to collect and record Biafra war oral histories and invite you to share your story: